Paraphrase 1 Pàgina següent

Aim: understand the features of paraphrases and write paraphrases of original texts avoiding plagiarism.

Paraphrasing is writing the ideas of another person in your own words. You need to change the words and the structure but keep the same meaning.

1. Read the following original extract and its paraphrase:

Original text:

Downlut believes the Brady Bill trespasses on the rights of law-abiding citizens, and is therefore inconsistent with the Constitution, because it imposes a waiting period on exercising the right to own guns. (Bender, 1995: 137)


According to Downlut, people should not have to wait for their rights, including the right to own a gun. Because the Brady Bill makes people wait to own a gun, it goes against citizens' rights and does not fit the Constitution.


Now check whether the paraphrase follows these characteristics:

  Yes No
Keeps the same key words
Uses synonyms/ alternative words
Keeps specialised words
Changes the structure of the text
Changes the verb form (active to passive)
Changes the grammar of the text (word class)


The above characteristics are often used to paraphrase a text and are related to three main language aspects:

  • vocabulary
  • sentence structure
  • grammar of the text (word class)
1 Pàgina següent