Paraphrase Pàgina anterior 2 Pàgina següent

Vocabulary: The first step when paraphrasing is to change the important words/phrases and find alternative ones, or synonyms. However, it is common to keep specialised vocabulary and common words.

Original text:

Memory is the capacity for storing and retrieving information.


Memory is the facility for keeping and recovering data.



Find alternative words, or synonyms. You can use an e-thesaurus. Keep specialised vocabulary and common words. Write down paraphrases for these sentences.

Then click the button and compare you answer with the possible paraphase.



It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby.


There are reckoned to be over 4,000 plant species used by forest dwellers as food and medicine alone.


Research and publications are accumulating in each of the fields of ICT at an exponential rate.



Used in isolation this technique is very limited and can result in confusing sentences. Remember that words can have multiple meanings and positive or negative connotations. It is essential to always check your synonyms in a good English dictionary and consider the context of the ideas you are paraphrasing. Changing the words is not enough by itself. You also need to change the structure of the text.

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