Abstracts Pàgina anterior 2 Pàgina següent

A Conference Paper Abstract is a rather ephemeral genre - it is short-lived and mainly serves to provide on-the-spot information to conference attenders.

A typical Conference abstract looks like this:

  • A paragraph to introduce the topic with or without showing familiarity with previous literature.
  • The core of the abstract: what the prospective talk is going to be about.
  • The last paragraph or lines: provide a punchline or summarise the talk or promise more or show implications for the field.

The best way to learn how to write conference articles is to read several examples:

Conference Paper Abstracts: 3 models

Exercise 1:

Read carefully the abstracts again and answer:

  • Do the 3 abstracts above follow the typical structure?

    Abstract 1


Abstract 2


Abstract 3


Exercise 2:

Read the following advice and decide whether the three conference abstracts follow the points the advice suggests:

An effective abstract has the following qualities:

Abstract 1
Abstract 2
Abstract 3
uses one or more well developed paragraphs: these are unified, coherent, concise, and able to stand alone.
uses an introduction/body/conclusion structure which presents paper
provides logical connections (or transitions) between the information included
is understandable to a wide audience.
oftentimes uses passive verbs to downplay the author and emphasize the information.



Abstracts often use a trope named personification for describing processes or interactions (e.g. This paper suggests, This article outlines...).

Exercise 3:

Find this linguistic device in the three abstracts above and write them in the spaces provided below. Then click the answer buttons and compare.

Abstract 1:

Abstract 2:

Abstract 3:


  • What effect does it create on the text?


  • In abstract 2 the authors choose to be more concrete and direct. How is this conveyed?


Production 1

Search the web for a Conference in your field which is about to be held in the near future.

Read the guidelines provided by the Conference organisers.

Try to access previous conference proceedings to be used as models. Study them carefully:

  • What do successful abstracts look like?
  • What theories, data, or issues are presented and discussed?

Follow the structure discussed above and write a "made-up" abstract for that Conference on a topic of your interest or related to your specific research field.

Write it using any word processor and send the abstract together with the conference information and its guidelines as attached documents to your tutor by clicking the following link:


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