So at the beginning # the_ # boy is getting ready to go out. # He's in his room, hm putting on a tie. He's about #-- looks like he's about six or seven years old and he's in his bedroom. # hm_ His dog # is sitting on a chair and he has a couple of other pets: he has a turtle and a frog # and they're watching him get dressed. # Do I announce when I'm turning the page or it doesn't matter? Okay. ## He finishes getting ready and he goes to put on_ his jacket and he says he says goodbye to his dog. While he's putting on his jacket, the_ frog hm sneaks into the sleeve of his coat and he doesn't notice it or he he sneaks into the pocket of his coat and he doesn't notice it hm even after he puts the coat on. # He leaves the room with his family and_ # the_ the frog is still in the -- in his coat pocket # so it looks like the frog is going with him. # His dog and his turtle are sad to see him leave # but he's going with his family. ### They leave the house and they go to # what looks like a fancy restaurant # hm_ they take a_ hm they take a taxi there # and # the_ driver lets them off in front of the restaurant. # He's with his_ # sister and his mother and father. ### They sit down to eat at the restaurant # and_ the waiter comes over to take their orders. Meanwhile, the frog # jumps out of_ the boy's_ coat pocket # and_ # lands # in # the_ -- in one of the musicians' instruments. There is a group of musicians playing in the restaurant for all the patrons # and the frog jumps out and lands in the mouth of a_ saxophone # of one of the musicians. They're just they're just playing music and_ the saxophone player doesn't see because his eyes are closed. ### But then when the frog gets lodged in the mouth of the of the saxophone the m- -- the instrument won't work # becau_se the_ t- the player he can't he can't get enough air to to make enou- -- to make any sound and so they stop playing and the fax- the saxophone player starts looking in his instrument to see what's wrong with it # and_ after a little bit, # the_ the frog comes right out # and_ that's when_ that's when the musicians noticed that there was a frog in the saxophone and that's why it wasn't working. Now, the saxophone - -- the--... Sorry... # The_ the frog the frog # the frog s- -- leaps out of the of the of the of the mouth of the saxophone and lands on the on the on the the musician's face # and all the all the other musicians are appalled. They're trying to raise their hands and- and_ plead_ for_ forgiveness from the c- from the people who are watching because this has stopped their performance. ## And the the poor muscian_ who_ was playing the saxophone he is so surprised that he falls backward and onto the drum and breaks it. By this time the other musicians are just hm -- they're they're they're in panic. ### While the musicians discuss with the_ with the restaurant owner or the or the waiter what has happened the frog goes wandering around the rest of the of the restaurant and_ he manages to get himself # into one of the plates that's about to be delivered. # He # he puts himself in a salad it looks like-- and he's onto the salad leaves. ## So t- this plate that the frog is in gets delivered to a table and when the woman is eating it, she_ lifts up a hm a bit of food and the frog appears and she’s she's terrified. # The frog jumps off the table and # lands # in a glass of wine on- on another table where where a guy is making a toast, maybe to his wife. # So, now, the frog has gone from # in the mouth of the saxophone to on a plate of food to # in a cup of wine. # And meanwhile # the_ the_ the woman and the man who are sitting at this table, they don't even know that # that the frog is in the cup of wine so of course he surprises them when he finally comes out. ### And_ everyone who's already seen the frog is is is is quite worried and they're discussing it with the restaurant owners and everyone is trying to look for the frog and catch it but # but no one can find it no one knows where it is everyone has just seen it leave. ### And now here it shows up again_ . ### Finally it looks lik- it looks like one of the_ one of the waiters catches the frog and he's holding it he's holding it in the air by its feet and he's leaving_ -- he's he's going to throw it out in the fire exit so he can finally get rid of it. # But the little boy who_ is actually the owner of the frog sitting -- is sitting at the table with his family and he sees that that the restaurant owner is about to throw this frog out into the wild. # And so he goes up to the owner and he begs him # he begs him to give it back and not -- to not -- to throw it out because if the- if the frog goes out into the wild they can't survive. ## Well, # the restaurant owner gives the little boy the frog but he tells the family that they have to leave because they've caused so much trouble by bringing the frog into the restaurant. The little boy's happy but his family is not too happy because they were having dinner and now they -- have just been thrown out of the restaurant. ## So they leave the restaurant and they go home in their car # and the boy gets sent to his room with his frog, h- -- on punishment. # His parents say that he has to stay there because ## because_ he's been a bad boy by bringing his frog to the restaurant. # But the boy doesn't care because now he can be in his room # with his # with his pets and he's happy. # And he goes to sleep # feeling good.