Tonight was a very special night for Timmy's family. # The fa_ther had a new promotion at work_ and they were gonna celebrate at the finest French restaurant in the city! # Timmy put on his fa_vorite suit and got all dressed up! # His pets were around watching him get ready, # wondering where he was going. ### Timmy said goodbye to his d- pet dog Waldo "Waldo, I'm going out to dinner tonight. I'm sorry you can't come with us but they don't allow pets in the restaurant!" # Waldo looked sad but # he knew that Timmy would be back soon. # Timmy waved to his pets : "Bye everybody ! We'll be back soon_ !" and Timmy and his sister and Mom and Dad left the apartment to go to the restaurant. ### They arrived at the fancy French restaurant it was so_ expensive looking that there was a man at the front door # in a suit # that look made him look like he was a general of an army or something, # and the fa_ther was like "Hello hello ! We are here for dinner we have reservations! ### They went inside and were seated by a maître d' # with a long_ curly musta_che and a tuxedo.# Timmy was looking at the # menu, and # guess what it had happened? Francis -s- # was in Timmy's -sk- suit pocket # for the ri_de and he jumped out of Timmy's pocket and flew toward the band # right in the direction of the saxophone player. ### [IMITATES SAXOPHONE] # Something went wrong with the saxophone! and the saxophonist turned the saxophone upside down to look and see what was happening # inside. Ha had no idea what he had done to his instrument. # The rest of the band looked very perplexed and confused at what was going on with the poor man's instrument # when all of a sudden Francis dropped t and went [PLOP] on the saxophonist's bald head # "What ?" the trumpet player thought This was so_ funny he began to laugh and laugh as the saxophonist was falling back and went through the drum. [BOOM] And there he was, stuck in the middle of this drum with Francis plasted to his forehead! "Look what you did to my drum_ ! It's a frog_, it's all his fault !" The f- the trumpet player just laughed and laughed # "Look what happened to my drum" the trumpet player shouted # "Well what do you want me to do about it?" said the saxophonist It was time for Francis to go meet some more people and he saw this big bushy green thing that a man was carrying and it reminded him of the grass out in their favorite forest where they like to go and play and do their adventures so he jumped into the big leafy green plate. ### The plate was rested on the table in front of this well-dressed middle aged woman with a big hat with lots of flowers. She went to take a bite of her salad when Francis poked his head up to say "hello!". "You look like a very interesting person, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Francis" "[SCREAM] What is this ?!" screamed the woman ## And Francis l- jumped off of her plate as the woman grabbed her chest and looked like she was about to have a heart attack when Francis landed into the champagne glass of a man at another table ### As the older woman was complaining about her unusual salad, the man took a sip from his glass and out popped Francis to give him a nice wet kiss on the nose! ### "That's it ! That's it !" said the maître d' "You get over here you frog, I'm gonna get you !" The couple # was really upset and the man's wife looked like she was about to pass out : she could not believe that there was a frog in her husband's champagne glass! # The maître d' simply grabbed Francis by the # end of his legs and carried him back to the fire exit # when all of a sudden... # Timothy realized that was his pet frog! "Hey where you going ?! Where you going ?!" "Shh shhh" said Timothy's mother "You can't scream like that, we're in the middle of a nice restaurant and we have to be ladies and gentlemen!" "Stop ! Stop ! That's my frog where are you going ?!" ### The maître d' explained that this frog was nothing but trouble and had to go! # "But that's my frog ! You can't just throw him out on the street!" "Well if you're not going on the s- gonna go on the street" shouted the maître d' "Then you and the rest of your family are gonna # have to leave my restaurant # immediately !" ## The parents and the daughter looked very annoyed but Timothy was so happy that he was able to save Francis from # sheer doom As they drove home in the car_ ## Timothy was feeling bad as her mother sco_lded at him and his sister stared_ at him and the father was silent and just stared at the road_ as they drove_ home_ ### "Go to your room_!" shouted the father "Na_ ! That's what you get!" said Timmy's sister And the mother was like: "Ho_ you're so silly with that little frog_ I just don't understand_ you_ someti_mes" # Timmy just had his head down and went to his room but the other p- his other pets were waiting and watching all of this. ## And when Timothy went into his room_, # it was time to play as the # pets were circled around him and Timothy realized that how bad his day was_, # he knew that his pets would always take care of him.