Instruccions: Tradueix les frases següents fent servir la paraula que apareix ente parèntesis per traduir la concurrència que apareix en negreta, buscant la forma més típicament concurrent en català. Una font d'ajut és el programa de concurrències del corpus de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

Per exemple:

          I don't see any point in competing in the German market. We're fighting a losing battle. (batalla)

          No hi trobo el sentit a competir dins el mercat alemany. Ens enfrontem a una batalla perduda.


1. I need to get away from everything and relax on an unspoilt beach somewhere. (platja)

2. I think we have committed a monumental bluster here. How can we put it right? (disbarat)

3. We're appalled by your callous behaviour. That is no way for a responsible company to act. (conducta)

4. I'm going to a benefit concert in aid of the earth-quake victims in Guatemala. (concert)

5. They show a deep-rooted bias against buying European products. (predisposició)

6. He's the sort of boring speaker that uses lots of well-worn clichés. (clixé)

7. He spent the winter in the north of Norway and had problems coping with the inhospitable climate. (clima)

8. There are a lot of major problems. We are confronted with a daunting challenge. (repte)

9. I have this overwhelming compulsion to eat chocolate. (impuls)


*Nota: Exemples inspirats en el exercicis creats per ... (www.better-english.com)

