Tables and figures Pàgina anterior 3 Pàgina següent

Although table and figures may look quite similar they do not always share the same formatting requirements. Look again at the examples paying close attention to the way they're laid out:

Table model:

Figure model:



Now, read the following statements and select the ones which apply to the table only, to the figure only, to both, or to none:

Table only
Figure only
They are numbered
The name before the number is abbreviated
There's a title
The descriptive legend goes above the information
The descriptive legend goes below the information
They contain ornament, such as colour, to make them look more attractive
There are footnotes for additional information
Acronyms and shortened names are often used
The units of measurement involved are always included


As you can see, once you have decided on the kind of table or figure to write, there are several considerations one must take into account. In the next page we will consider them further.

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