Tables and figures Pàgina anterior 4 Pàgina següent


Some guidelines for the writing of tables and figures:

  • Tables and figures are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text, but they are numbered independently. So, if the first figure comes after three tables, its number will still be "Figure 1".

  • Both tables and figures should be referred to from the text. And the reference should not just be "See Table 3". Highlight the most relevant information to your reader, for instances "Table 3 depicts the percentages…".
  • They should be placed within the text as close as possible to the relevant point in the discussion. Not at the end of the page, on a separate page, nor at the end of the article.
  • They should be self-explanatory. In other words, they must be understood without having to read the text.
  • They should incorporate a concise, self-explanatory title.
  • The legend comes at the top of the table and at the bottom of the figure.
  • They should be as simple as possible (without, of course, distorting the data). Do not use colors, three-dimensional bars, or other imaginative solutions unless required.

If your wish, click the following button to revise these guidelines:


One last important consideration. As you know, it is perfectly legal to borrow graphics or data from various sources as long as you cite them. Normally this is also done in the title or legend, for example:

Fig. 5 - Aerial photo showing the regeneration of the forest. Photos courtesy of the USDA Field Office, Auburn, Maine, USA.

Do not forget it is compulsory to acknowledge other people's words and graphics. In LISAM you can practice how to cite your sources.

Further explanations on citing sources can be found in:


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