Instruccions: Tradueix les frases següents fent servir la paraula que apareix ente parèntesis. Recomanem servir-se del programa de concurrències del corpus de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

1. Cleaning up the city after the festival will be expensive. Who is going to foot the bill? (despesa)

2. It will be a difficult sell. I hope you can rise to the occasion. (circumstāncia)

3. Keep control of yourself. Don't give way to any strong compulsions to argue with him. (impuls)

4. We need to find the way to boost his confidence. He's so unsure of himself. (confianįa)

5. He denied it at first but eventually we were able to beat a confession out of him. Not literally, of course! (confessiķ)

6. It's taking them a long time to deal with my complaint. I'm not very happy. (queixa)

