
Aboh, E.O. and Pfau, R. 2011. What’s a wh-word got to do with it? In: Benincà, P. and Munaro, N. (eds.), Mapping the left periphery: The cartography of syntactic structures, Vol. 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 91-124.

Bank, R., Crasborn, O. and Van Hout, R. 2011. Variation in mouth actions with manual signs in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT). Sign Language & Linguistics, 14(2): 248-270.

Barberà, G. In press. When wide scope is not enough: scope and topicality of discourse referents. In: Aloni, M., et al. (eds.), Springer Selected papers from 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Barberà, G. In press. A unified account of specificity in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). In: Nowen, R., Chernilovskaya, A., Aguilar-Guevara, A., Papers from Sinn und Bedeutung, MIT Working papers in Linguistics.

Bertone, C. and Cardinaletti, A. 2011. Il sistema pronominale della lingua dei segni italiana.[The pronominal system in Italian Sign Language]  In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli, 145-160.

Branchini, C. 2011. Fenomeni di simultaneità negli enunciati mistilingui: bilingui e bimodali a confronto [Simultaneity phenomena in mixed utterances: a comparison between bilinguals and bimodals]. In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli, 219-235.

Branchini, C. and Geraci, C. 2011. L’ordine dei costituenti in LIS: risultati preliminari [The order of constituents in LIS: preliminary results]. In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli, 113-126.

Brendel, E., Meibauer, J. and Steinbach, M. (eds.). 2011. Understanding Quotation. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Brendel, E., Meibauer, J. and Steinbach, M. 2011. Exploring the Meaning of Quotation. In: Brendel, E., Meibauer, J. and Steinbach, M. (eds.), Understanding Quotation. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-33.

Cardinaletti, A. 2011. German and Italian Modal Particles and Clause Structure. The Linguistic Review, vol. 28, 493-531.

Cardinaletti, A. and Giusti, G. 2011. L’opzionalità alle interfacce sintassi – morfologia – fonologia. [Optionality of the Syntax - Morphology – Phonology Interface] In: Massariello Merzagora, G. and Dal Maso, S. (eds.), I luoghi della traduzione. Le interfacce, Atti del XLIII Congresso internazionale di studi della società di linguistica italiana (SLI). Verona, 24-26 settembre 2009. Roma: Bulzoni, 865-879.

Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.). 2011. Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. [Grammar, lexicon and types of variation in LIS]  Milano: Franco Angeli.

Cecchetto, C. To appear. “Sentence types”. In: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. (eds.), Sign language. An international handbook (HSK - Handbooks of linguistics and communication science). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. Chapter 14.

Cecchetto, C., Giudice, S. and Mereghetti, E. 2011. La raccolta del Corpus LIS. [The construction of LIS corpus] In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Cecchetto, A., Cecchetto, C., Geraci, C., Guasti, M.T. and Zucchi, S. 2011. Una varietà molto speciale: la LISt (Lingua dei Segni Italiana tattile) [A very special variety: tactile Italian Sign Language]. In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Conte, G., Santoro, M., Geraci, C. and Cardinaletti, A. 2011. Perché alzi le sopracciglia? Le funzioni linguistiche marcate dal sollevamento in LIS. [Why are you raising your eyebrows? Linguistic functions of eyebrow raising in LIS] In: Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C. and Donati, C. (eds.), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS. Milano: Franco Angeli, 161-169.

Cormier, K. In press. Pronouns. In: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. (eds.), Sign language. An international handbook (HSK - Handbooks of linguistics and communication science). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

Crasborn, O. 2011. The other hand in sign language phonology. In: Van Oostendorp, M., Ewen, C.J., Hume, E. and Rice, K. (eds.), The Blackwell companion to phonology. 5 vols. Malden, MA & Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 223-240.

Crasborn, O. and Windhouwer, M. 2011. ISOcat data categories for signed language resources. In: Efthimiou, E. and Kouroupetroglou, G. (eds.), Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction. Athens.

Donati, C. and Branchini, C. In press. Challenging linearization: simultaneous mixing in the production of bimodal bilinguals. In: Roberts, I. and Biberauer, T. (eds.), Challenges to Linearization. Mouton.

Donati, C. and Cecchetto, C. 2011. Relabeling Heads. A Unified Account for Relativization Structures. Linguistic Inquiry, volume 42.4, 519-560.

Fabisiak, S. and Rutkowski, P. 2011. Iconicity in Polish Sign Language. In: Kuncheva, R. and Dobrzyńska, T. (eds.), Vision and Cognition. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 224-244.

Geraci, C. and Quer, J. Submitted. Determining argument structure in sign languages. In: Bachrach, A., Roy, I. and Stockall, L. (eds.), Structuring the Argument. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Geraci, C. and Cecchetto, C. To appear. Neglected cases of rightward movement. When wh-phrases and negative quantifiers go to right. In: Walker, H., Webelhuth, G. and Sailer, M. (eds.), Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective. John Benjamins.

Göksel, A. 2011. Word order, sentential stress and intonation.In: Öztürk, B. and Pöchtrager, M.A. (eds.), Pazar Laz. Lincom Europa Academic Publishers, 146-159.

Göksel, A. and Kerslake, C. 2011. Turkish, An Essential Grammar. London: Routledge.

Gozzi, M., Geraci, C., Cecchetto, C., Perugini, M. and Papagno, C. 2011. Looking for an explanation for the low sign span. Is order involved?, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 16(1): 101-107.

Herrmann, A. To appear. Modal and Focus Particles in Sign Languages. A Cross-Linguistic Study. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Herrmann, A. and Steinbach, M. 2012. Quotation in Sign Languages – A Visible Context Shift. In: Alphen, Ingrid van/Buchstaller, Isabelle (eds.), Quotatives: Cross-linguistic and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 203-228.

Herrmann, A. and Steinbach, M. (eds.). 2011. Nonmanuals in Sign Languages. Special Issue of Sign Language and Linguistics, 14(1).

Herrmann, A. and Steinbach, M. (eds.). 2011. Nonmanuals in Sign Languages. In: Herrmann, Annika/Steinbach, Markus (eds.), Special Issue of Sign Language and Linguistics, 14(1): 3-8.

Ormel, E. and Crasborn, O. 2012. Prosodic Correlates of Sentence in Signed Languages: A Literature Review and Suggestions for New Types of Studies. Sign Language Studies, 12(2): 109-145.

Pfau, R. 2011. A point well taken: On the typology and diachrony of pointing. In: Napoli, D.J. & G. Mathur (eds.), Deaf around the world. The impact of language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 144-163.

Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. To appear. Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. To appear. Tense, Aspect, and Modality. In: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Pfau, R. and Aboh, E.O. 2012. On the syntax of spatial adpositions in sign languages. To appear in: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Pfau, R. and Steinbach, M. 2011. Grammaticalization in Sign Languages. In: Heine, Bernd/Narrog, Heiko (eds.), Handbook of Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 681-693.

Quer, J. 2011. Reporting and quoting in signed discourse. In Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer, & Markus Steinbach (eds.), Understanding Quotation,  277-302. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Mouton Series in Pragmatics).

Quer, J. 2011. When agreeing to disagree is not enough: Further arguments for the linguistic status of sign language agreement. Theoretical Linguistics 37.3-4: 189-196.

Quer, J. In press. Quantificational strategies across language modalities. In Selected papers from 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, ed. M. Aloni et al. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Rathmann, C. and Mathur, G. In press. Verb Agreement. In: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. and Woll, B. (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Rathmann, C. and Mathur, G. To appear. The Structure in Sign Languages. In: V. Ferreira, M. Goldrick, & M. Miozzo (Eds.) The Oxford handbook of language production. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rathmann, C. and Mathur, G. 2011. A Featural approach to verb agreeement in sign languages. Theoretical Linguistics, Vol 37.

Rutkowski, P. and Łozińska, S. 2011. O niedookreśloności semantycznej migowych predykatów klasyfikatorowych [On the semantic underspecification of sign language classifier predicates], in: Różne formy, różne treści, ed. Mirosław Bańko and Dorota Kopcińska, Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, p. 211-224.

Schlenker, P. To appear. Temporal and Modal Anaphora in American Sign Language (ASL). To appear in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.

Schlenker, P. and Lamberton, J. To appear. Formal Indices and Iconicity in ASL. To appear in Maria Aloni, Vadim Kimmelman, Floris Roelofsen, Galit Weidman Sassoon, Katrin Schulz and Matthijs Westera (eds.), Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Springer.

Schlenker, P. 2012. Complement Set Anaphora and Structural Iconicity in ASL.  Accepted for publication in Snippets.

Schlenker, P. 2011. Donkey Anaphora: the View from Sign Language (ASL and LSF). Linguistics and Philosophy 34(4): 341-395.

Schlenker, P. 2011. Quantifiers and Variables: Insights from Sign Language (ASL and LSF). Accepted for publication in Partee, B.H., Glanzberg, M., & Skilters, J. (eds), Formal Semantics and Pragmatics: Discourse, Context, and Models. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Vol. 6.

Schlenker, P. 2011. Iconic Agreement. Invited commentary, Theoretical Linguistics, 37(3-4): 223–234 (issue on Lillo-Martin and Meier’s "On the linguistic status of 'agreement' in sign language").

Schuit, J., Baker, A. and Pfau, R. 2011. Inuit Sign Language: a contribution to sign language typology. Linguistics in Amsterdam 4, 1-31.

Steinbach, M. 2012. Plurality. In Pfau, Roland/Steinbach, Markus/Woll, Bencie (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (to appear in September).

Steinbach, M. 2011. What do Agreement Auxiliaries Reveal about the Grammar of Sign Language Agreement? Theoretical Linguistics 37, 209-221.